Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Importance of Getting a Geotechnical Investigation

Geotechnical Investigation is very important process in which the geotechnical engineers obtain the information on the physical properties of the soil and rock which is useful to build any infrastructure or test the soil which can be suitable for such construction or not. It usually includes the surface and sub surface exploration of a site. The most important use of geotechnical investigation is to obtain the data about the sites. In such investigations they also use special type of geotechnical drilling rigs which create a hole in the earth and use to test sub surface mineral deposits, test rock or soils and other ground water properties too. They are coming in different types and size depending up on the drilling requirement like massive structure, small or medium size too
Geotechnical Drilling rigs are not only use for such investigations only but they are also use in petroleum, water well, Mining drilling etc
Geotechnical Drilling Rigs For Sale

Drilling rig classification:
There are many types and design of geotechnical drillings are coming in market and are described using any of the following attributes:
  1. By Use of power
  2. By use of pipe
  3. By height
  4. Methods of rotation and drilling
  5. Position of derrick
Looking for such used geotechnical drilling rigs
We are pioneer in selling used geotechnical drilling rigs and our rigs are sale across the globe. We have 100 years of reach experience and we provide all types of geotechnical drilling rigs useful in water well drilling, geotechnical drilling etc. And as per needs, high quality, Reliable, and we also maintain direct relationship and the important thing is we are present always i.e. our operation works 24 X 7 we have client base across the globe who are using our geotechnical drilling rigs.